Your one-stop destination for a diverse range of plant types. Ranging from trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, ground covers, ornamental pot plants, hedges, and aquatic plants. Globe Plants cater to all gardening and landscaping styles. Explore our extensive library today and find the plant types that best suit your project.
Curated plant assortments for easy and efficient landscape visualisation. Bundles are grouped by themes, regions or aesthetics. From tropical paradises to serene aquatic environments, our Bundles Collection caters to all landscaping visions.
Shop with confidence - we guarantee you won't find a model in different formats on any market
Did you buy a model that doesn't work for you? No problem, we give store credit so you can find a model that works for your project.
We are here to help if needed. We are ready to help you purchase your plant 3D model 24 hours a day via chat or support ticket.
We guarantee that the highest level of texture is used in our models
Enhance your space with our custom 3D plant models!
Ideal for visual artists, architects and interior designers, our realistic designs bring the beauty of nature into your projects. Order your custom 3D plant models today and watch your vision blossom in stunning detail. Contact us now for a consultation!